In her sermon yesterday during the Global Bible Study (GBS), Her Eminence, Primate (Dr) Mrs E.O. Babayemi, JP quoted a scripture in Revelation 20:5. Here is what the scripture says in Good News Translation (GNT) of the Bible:

Those who did not have their name written in the book of the living were thrown into the lake of fire.

The question is: “Is your name written in the book of life?”

Don’t be deceived, your name being in the book of JECOB is not the same as the book of life;

Your name being in the list of choristers is not the same as being in the book of life;

Your name being in the list of ministers of God does not automatically make it to the book of life;

Being a Bible Teacher does not automatically write your name in the book of life;

Being spiritual and giving messages to the church does not qualify you to be in the book of life;

Being a child of the officers in the church will not put your name in the book of life;

Neither will your title or the office you hold in the church commands your name to be written in the Lamb’s book of life;

Your name being in the ledger of the church does not translate to the book of life;

Your name being in the list of PCC/SJC/Band Leaders/etc, does not translate to being in the book of life;

Your self – efforts and power cannot write your name in the book of life.

Only those who have confessed and repented of their evil ways and are Born-Again can have their names written in the Book of life.

For your name to be in the Lambs book of life, you must accept that the death of Jesus Christ was for your sins. You must accept Him as your Lord and Saviour and you must live right and holy.

You can pray these prayers now if you want your name to be written in the book of life:

  1. Lord Jesus, have mercy on me
  2. I recognise myself as a sinner
  3. Cleanse me from all my wrong and evil deeds and from my secret and presumptuous sins
  4. Forgive all my trespasses
  5. I ask you to come into my life and help me to live right and holy
  6. I accept you as my Lord and personal Saviour
  7. I reject sin, Satan and the ways of the world
  8. Write my name in the Lamb’s book of life
  9. Grant me a share of your Divine Person by the power of your Holy Ghost
  10. Thank you for saving my soul
  11. Thank you for your unending love for me
  12. Praise God because, “I am Born-Again”

If you have faithfully prayed this prayers, Congratulations. Your name is written in the Book of Life and you have become a member of the family of God.

If you need help in your spiritual journey, please reach out to other people that are also Born-Again. JCLI is also ready and willing to help you in your Christian journey to heaven.


Jerusalem Church of the Lord International (Ile-Ewe)

Thursday, 23 July 2020. 




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