Seeth thou a man
Hiding behind a keyboard
Active on social media
Full of hate and foolish thoughts – You have seen a potent and formidable tool for the devil to use.
Seeth thou a man
With access to a keyboard
Active on social media
Full of God’s wisdom and grace of heart – You have seen a potent and formidable tool for God to use.
“Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.” Proverbs 12:18.
Be careful whose words you read. Be careful whose voice you listen to. Be careful who you follow and who follows you on social media. May we always make space and time to *follow Jesus* by listening to the voice of God and to read the Bible. Amen.
I wrote this on the back of the death by suicide of an English television and radio presenter in the UK
Bishop Roland Ayeni.