Grace, mercy and peace of God be multiplied unto you now and forever. Amen.
During this period when we cannot physically come together to worship God and study His words, I am coordinating an online study of the scriptures.
Next week Wednesday, 8th of April 2020 by the grace of God, we shall be progressing in the study of the book of Saint James.
As believers, I see that verse 19 of chapter 1 of the book of James should be our watchword always:
“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger” James 1:19
What does this verse means?
- Swift to hear: means we should be careful what we hear. A lot of misinformation is going on out there on social media causing people to panic and make stupid decisions and causing the death of many. Most of the information out there are full of partial truths and lot of lies. They are adulterated messages designed to cause you to worry without any reason and become fearful as well. Remember, fear has torment.
- Slow to speak: means that you make sure that you are speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth for Jesus Christ is the Truth (Light) and in Him is no darkness at all. Ensure that you can verify the messages or videos or audios that you share on social media, especially by judging them based on the truth revealed in the Bible, the words of God. One of the audio I recently received suggested that we are allowed to commit sin without any consequence for the next 2 years, until Year 2022. The speaker claimed that sin will only have repercussions after Year 2022! Brethren – how does that agrees with the eternal words of God? These videos and audios do sometimes contain some truths but be careful of the damnable lines of lie that are skilfully inserted therein. Be warned!
- Slow to wrath means we should not get angry or be provoked easily. Anger will stop the mind from receiving the truth from God. The anger of a man does not produce the righteousness of God.
- Swift to hear
- Slow to speak
- Slow to wrath
If you want to join subsequent Bible Studies and prayer sessions, please read the flyer below and feel free to share.
If you wish to join a global prayer and bible study sessions being coordinated from London, please connect at 12Noon UK time on Wednesdays and Fridays until further notice.
You can join through one of the options below:
Option 1 – Teleconference
Free Conference call, the numbers to call are listed below depending on your location. The access code is 906746#
USA – +15639992017
France – +33180140058
Germany – +4922198203448
Italy – +390645212184
Lithuania – + 37046268635
Nigeria – +23401 227 8504
Spain – +34857801105
Ukraine – +380947103342
UAE – +971600521265
UK – + 443303902113
Australia – + 61280770507
Option 2 – Video conference
For those of us that will be using Zoom, please contact Elder Biodun Bello on WhatsApp +44(0)7932 036124.
Please ensure you dial in or join latest by 11.55am (UK time) for housekeeping instructions before commencement of prayer or bible study at 12 noon prompt. To minimize feedback caused by background noise, you will be muted on entry to the meeting. Whether you join via Zoom or Free Conference call.
If you have any issues connecting or any questions call/WhatsApp Elder Biodun Bello on +44(0)7932 036124.
May the Lord keep us all. Amen.
Bishop Roland Ayeni