1. The letter to Titus was written by Apostle Paul.
  2. In the first chapter, Apostle Paul described Titus as his true son, a partner and a worker with
    him in the gospel and the service of the Master.
  3. Titus had a special responsibility of selecting church elders by qualifications which include
    character, family management, teaching ability and the aptitude to rebuke those who contradict the sound doctrine.
  4. Attributes of a godly leader were enumerated in the second chapter which includes; self – control, faithfulness, dignity, respect, godliness and love. Apostle Paul also gave direction to servants to be respectful to their masters. Apostle Paul taught Titus to teach these godly attributes with boldness and authority.
  5. Chapter three concludes the book by emphasizing on the manifestation of grace in the life of
    a true believer. As soon as someone accepts Christ, he experiences spiritual cleansing (change
    of mind and purity of heart). This is as a result of God’s grace in action!
  6. Apostle Paul taught Titus to avoid unnecessary debate or arguments about the laws of Moses as this resulted in waste of time.
  7. Those that refused godly admonitions should be avoided to prevent them from polluting the body of Christ.

This short but powerful book of the Bible teaches us that:
   a) We must always exhibit good characters (worthy of emulation) so that we can be a ready vessel for            the LORD to use in His vineyard.

b) We should exhibit self control, faithfulness, dignity, respect, godliness and love to be a worthy                      servant of the Most High God.

c) If we truly accept Christ as our LORD and Saviour, we should not continue to live a life of sin. God              said that there should be a difference in our way of life when we truly come to Him and follow His              words. When we have said good bye to Egypt and to sinful lifestyle, we must not go back to Egypt              and to our vomit for “My life is new in Christ with a distinct glory.”

Written by Bro Tosin Adedara, JCLI HQs.
Friday, 8 January 2021.


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