For unbelievers, trouble times are challenging times leading to many to kill themselves when the issue goes beyond what their human capacity can endure. I accept that there is a limit to human endurance but what the devil will make unbelievers to think is that, there can be no end to their problems. The devil will persuade them to end their life.

However, as believers, when we find ourselves in times of trouble and which threatens to break us, that is when the Holy Spirit of God comes to help us.

Personally, I have been in difficulties that threatened my life and defeated what my mental capacity can endure. During that time, the voice of God telling me that I shall survive the situation was all that kept me. This experience happened few months ago!

In order to be able to rejoice in times of trouble, the Holy Spirit must show to you the end of the trouble, because He knows the end from the beginning, which will confirm to you that the current trouble will end in testimony. The “end” that is revealed is the basis of your rejoicing in times of trouble.

When you are in difficult situation, look away from the present circumstances but look beyond the challenges of the time. Only the Holy Spirit can enable you to look ahead and beyond. Ahead – victory is assured – that is why the scripture says, “Count it all joy when ye fall into diverse temptations and trials.”  – It means the end of the temptations and trials will bring glory to the name of God. James 1:2.

From the experience I saw with the Primate, there was a time the owner of the land where JCLI HQs was going to be built refused the church to be built after we have bought blocks and hired labourers. The Muslim man changed his mind saying that he does not want church around his property. The situation was so challenging for the Primate and some elders of the church at that time. Brethren, the situation nearly brought shame to the body of Christ. Many people on this platform can testify to this experience which happened over 30 years ago.

I remembered the Primate going into her private prayer room at Dallimore Street, rolling on the floor and calling upon the Lord. God came by the power of the Holy Ghost that day and pointed the church to its current location. The Holy Ghost said, “If the church is built at the place, it will hide the glory of the church but that all eyes shall see the glory of the church at its current location.” That is exactly what happened. The glory of the church is seen beyond Ado-Ekiti and heard all over the world!

From these two experiences, it is important for us to focus on the Lord when we are suffering because of Him. He is more than able to deliver us and to honour His name from the challenging experience. Remember – without difficulties, believers cannot have testimonies. It may also appear that God is quiet when we are going through difficulties. Remember – the teacher is silent when the students are writing their exams.

May the Lord turn our prayer points to testimony points. Amen.

Caveat: It is important for us not to cause ourselves trouble whilst claiming that we are suffering for Christ. If we get ourselves into trouble, we need to repent of our sins and asked the Lord passionately to take over the situation and glorify His name in it.

I hope this blesses somebody.


Bishop Roland Ayeni

30 May 2020


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